Birth. Matriachy. Womanhood. Last summer, I directed a documentary called Inendi. It was about my Aunty Marie’s experience of residential school and her story. Now, one year later, I’m a new mom and I’ve returned to my Aunty Marie’s house on reserve in Batchewana (on Lake Superior). I filmed myself dancing from the railway tracks in Garden River (that separate the Rez from the city) to her home on the water. These are the tracks for the train that took Indigenous children to the Spanish Residential School. I see it as an act of reclamation of land and healing with new life.

Sarain is Anishinaabe from Batchawana First Nation. She is passionate about empowering Indigenous communities and amplifying their voices, especially those of the youth. She is a multifaceted artist and activist who comes from a long line of storytellers. Her family have passed down ancient teachings from generations of knowledge-keepers and have raised her to be proud of her Indigenous roots. As a result, Sarain has become a powerful and vibrant voice for the Indigenous community. She is a dancer, choreographer, stylist, activist, brand ambassador, television host and content producer. A storyteller at heart, Sarain has combined these various mediums to create a compelling social platform for amplifying the voices of her people. 

Garden River First Nation 


Dancer & Director: Sarain Fox
Director of Photography: Tara Barnes
Editor:  Alexa Pavao
Music: Cris Derksen

Produced by Land Back Studios